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Petrol feed hose from petrol tap (TR2-3) and from feed pipe (TR3A-B) to pump. Stainless steel braided construction.

Several parts suppliers offer a hose under this part number incorrectly made with the wrong ends and especially a 90° union at one end that should be straight.These errors render these substandard products unusable even though they are sold under the same part number as ours and are usually much cheaper but that is irrelevant if they don't fit! We keep this incorrect part under part number 104842-1S as, you never know, the 90° end may be useful in a none standard application.


For comparison a photo of an original part can be viewed at part number 104842. See below

Nothing is ever easy in our world and there is still one small issue to be aware of with our hose.
When fitting this product to a TR3A-B without a tap (and TR2-3 if no tap is fitted), the hose is screwed onto a brass joiner, part number 060172. Original joiners have very short male threads which means that the female nut on our hose could bottom out on the central hexagon. All is not lost as the currently available joiner has longer male threads and will not bottom out. Order part number 060172 if you think you might need this part.

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