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This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR2 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR2 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR2 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR2 GS ENGINE: 1-3/4" SU CARBURETTORS. GS82 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
From Engine No. 8997E
TR3 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR3 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR3 D ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. D24A Washer, insulating, between inlet manifold and carburettor
From Engine No. _______
TR3 GS ENGINE: 1-3/4" SU CARBURETTORS. GS82 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
From Engine No. 8997E
TR4 E ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E27 Washer, insulating, inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4 E ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E27 Washer, insulating, inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4 E ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E27 Washer, insulating, inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4 H ENGINE: 1-3/4" SU CARBURETTORS. H78 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
Fitted up to Engine No. CT168DOE and from CT16901E up to CT only
TR4 HS ENGINE: 1-3/4" STROMBERG CARBURETTORS. HS72 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
Fitted from Engine No. CT16801E up to CT16900E and from CT and future
TR4A E 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E26 Washer, Insulating, Inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4A E 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E26 Washer, Insulating, Inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4A E 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: OIL PUMP, INLET AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDS. E26 Washer, Insulating, Inlet manifold and carburettor 2
TR4A K 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: 1-3/4" STROMBERG CARBURETTORS. K72 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
Fitted up to Engine No only
TR4A KS 83 m.m. and 86 m.m. ENGINE: 1-3/4" SU CARBURETTORS. KS82 Washer, insulating, between carburettor and manifold
Fitted from Engine No and future

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