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BRAKE PIPE LH REAR TR6 PRE 73 use 309727

Part No:

NOT AVAILABLE This part is no longer available

This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR4A AD HYDRAULIC PIPES. AD25 Pipe, hose to R.H. brake wheel cylinder
Independent suspension only
TR250 AA HYDRAULIC PIPES AA30 Pipe, hose to wheel cylinder, L.H. 1
TR5 Z HYDRAULIC PIPES-R.H.S.: BRAKE, CLUTCH AND SERVO PIPES Z30 Pipe assembly, hose to wheel cylinder L.H. 1
TR5 AA HYDRAULIC PIPES L.H.S.: BRAKE, CLUTCH AND SERVO PIPES AA30 Pipe, hose to wheel cylinder, L.H. 1
TR6CP AP HYDRAULIC PIPES R.H.S. AP32 PIPE assembly, hose to wheel cylinder - L.H.
Fitted up to …………
TR6CP AQ HYDRAULIC PIPES L.H.S. AQ30 PIPE, hose to wheel cylinder, L.H.
Fitted up to …………
TR6CC AP HYDRAULIC PIPES R.H.S. AP32 PIPE assembly, hose to wheel cylinder - L.H.
Fitted up to …………
TR6CC AQ HYDRAULIC PIPES L.H.S. AQ30 PIPE, hose to wheel cylinder, L.H.
Fitted up to …………

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