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This is not a stainless steel chassis as the suffix SS suggests. This part number is the original number as per the Triumph parts book. However we do not sell a chassis under this number. See 301217L or 301217G.

For reference suffix SS is used by RevingtonTR to denote a part is a stainless steel version of the original part.


Whilst Triumph used this number for the TR2-3B chassis, they only offered this one part number in the parts book but various changes were made through the life of the chassis to account for but not limited to the change in brakes from Lockheed to Girling and the introduction of an extra support for the steering outer tube.

As there are two distinctly different chassis, Girling and Lockheed we offer two variations part numbers 301217L and 301217G which will cover all needs and include all the additional strengthening triumph added on late chassis. these chassis are listed below.

If further strengthening is required, choose either RTR7027-1 or RTR7027-2