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Up to CT9983 loom part number 305281 is a PVC covered loom (a cloth covered loom 305281CL is also available) with connections suitable for the early domed glass instrument illumination.

The left hand horn is fed from the left hand loom extending from the ignition coil/water temp. loom. On the right hand side inner wing, this loom runs high above the bonnet stay bracket and is held in place in this position with white plastic ties.

From CT9984 to CT26999 loom part number 305611 is a PVC covered loom (a cloth covered loom 305611CL is also available) with connection suitable for the later flat glass instrument illumination. The left hand horn is fed from an extension of the loom from the right hand side that is clipped across the front of the car and feeds the headlamps. On the right hand side inner wing, this loom runs low under the right hand horn bracket and is held in place in this position with 'T' clips welded to the body. From CT27000 loom 306645 was fitted to the end of TR4 LHD production.
The right hand drive part numbers are 305321 early and 305610 late and the change point is CT14913