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Second Hand WIPER MOTOR DR2 TR3-3A-4
Part No:
Price Ex VAT @ 20%

AVAILABLE This part is available to order

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Revington TR supply this Wiper Motor Second Hand Complete but can offer no guarantee about its ability to perform. Order a rebuilt part 505124EX if a part guaranteed to work is required.

The original parts books do not reflect the current TR2 5 owner's needs or indeed the way parts are available for purchase. The following may be helpful.
Wiper motor fitments are as follows: -
TR2 Motor part No. 501684. TSI TS996 single speed CRT type. Wiper spacing 10"
TR2 TR3 Motor part No. 501684. TS997 TS12567 CRT type. Wiper spacing 12"
TR3 TR4 Motor part No. 505124. TS12568 CT7783 (RHD) and CT30 (LHD) DR2 type. Wiper spacing 14 ¾"
TR4 Motor part No. 510985. From CT7784 (RHD) & CT31 (LHD). DR3A type. Single speed
TR4A 5 Motor part No. 514821. Two speed DR3A type (also optional equipment TR3 from TS12568 onwards.

The following kits have proved immensely popular with drivers who like to see where they are going. The kits include a 14W round bodied wiper motor which is much stronger than the original TR2-5 items, wheel boxes, tubes, a mounting bracket and full instructions. Two speeds are provided, self-park and the ability to fit an intermittent operation kit.

RTR8395-AKKit of parts to fit 14W type wipers to TR2-3B
RTR8395-BKKit of parts to fit 14W type wiper system to TR4-4A
RTR8395-CKKit of parts to fit 14W type wiper system to TR5, 250

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