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This hand made aluminium bonnett suts TR3A TS22530 to the end of pre 60,000 run. They have 2 slots with a folded rear edge

Five different bonnets were fitted to TR2-3B but only 4 part numbers appear in the parts book as follows: -
900439 TS1-TS4228 Aluminium, 4 slots, cable operation. Supplied with a 'cut to fit' rear edge
900666 TS4229-TS22529 Steel, 4 or 2 slots, Dzus fastening. Supplied with a 'cut to fit' rear edge
901272 TS22530-end of pre 60,000 run. Steel, 2 slots with a folded rear edge
560558 TS60,000-end of production. Steel, 2 slots with a folded rear edge and raised hing plinths

A fibreglass bonnet skin with louvers is available under part number RTR7047

All second hand bonnets are kept under the part number 900666SH with a plain rear edge and 901272SH for those with a turned over rear edge