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AVAILABLE This part is available to order

New bonnets are not generally available in steel or aluminium but can, at vast expense, be made to special order. We can offer a second hand part if a complete steel bonnet is required. (avauilable October 2015)

Order part number 908031SH. If aluminium parts are required, order as follows: -
908031ALS Aluminium Skin only
908031ALF Aluminium Frame only
908031AL Aluminium bonnet frame and skin. See below

The early TR4 bonnet has a much shorter bulge and no accommodation at the back for cone shaped bonnet pins. The correct bonnet pins are flat topped, but provide no location. The bulge is approximately 2" shorter than subsequent bonnets. This bonnet was fitted up to CT6429. There was also an intermediate bonnet with long bulge and no rear location. The more usually known bonnet is the third type with the long bulge and location at the back for cone shaped bonnet pins.