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BOLT 5/16UNFX1-5/8"

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This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR250 N CLUTCH N34 Bolt - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR250 N CLUTCH N34 Bolt - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR5 L CLUTCH: COVER, PLATE, RELEASE MECHANISM AND SLAVE CYLINDER L34 Bolt Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR5 L CLUTCH: COVER, PLATE, RELEASE MECHANISM AND SLAVE CYLINDER L34 Bolt Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR6CP AH STEERING AH15B BOLT - Adaptor to column
This bolt is 1-5/8" long however RevingtonTR find BH605121 a preferable size
TR6CP Q ENGINE (Petrol Injection Model): Crankshaft, Camshaft, Pistons and Flywheel Q21C BOLT
Fitted from (1973) CR1HE
TR6CP Y CLUTCH: Clutch Assembly and Operation Y34 BOLT - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR6CP Y CLUTCH: Clutch Assembly and Operation Y34 BOLT - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR6CC AH STEERING AH15B BOLT - Adaptor to column
This bolt is 1-5/8" long however RevingtonTR find BH605121 a preferable size
TR6CC Y CLUTCH: Clutch Assembly and Operation Y34 BOLT - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2
TR6CC Y CLUTCH: Clutch Assembly and Operation Y34 BOLT - Mounting bracket to gearbox and rear engine plate 2