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RTR Upgrade
Part No:
Price Ex VAT @ 20%

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This Column Stalk Set comprises 2 switches, the functions of which are: On the Left Hand side, flashers dip and main beam, indicators and horn.There is no provision for horn operation from the centre of the steering wheel with this kit. If this is required, order kit RTR8328-2K.

The Right Hand side switch operates washers and wipers with 3 wiper positions; up provides one sweep, first position down slow speed and second position down, high speed. This wiper switch operates a TR6 type wiper motor but can be used to control other motors too. However RTR cannot give any guidance as to the suitability of other motors including other standard TR motors as RTR only intend for this kit to fit with a TR6 type motor, irrespective of what car it is fitted to from TR2-TR6. The washer switch is a push switch on the end of this stalk.
The kit can be fitted to cars with similar column arrangements such as Vitesse, Herald, GT6 etc. provided a suitable column tube is used. See below. In addition the system assumes electrical washers have been fitted to TR's 2-4A.

The kit includes a set of shrouds RTR8122K.

NOTE 1: To fit RTR8328-1K or -2K to TR4-6 a plain outer column is required. If necessary fit the following part number: -
RTR3381-2 TR4-6 outer column assembly for use with RTR8328 series switch kits.

NOTE 2: RTR8328-1K or -2K  will fit TR2-3 with a one-piece column, however if a steering rack conversion is being fitted a the same time  you will need RTR3381-1 TR3A type short outer column assembly and 205221 inner column. As will be seen in the photographs the shrouds are a tight fit to the tachometer and speedometer but do not obscure any useful information on these instruments.
NOTE 3: When fitting RTR8328-1K or -2K to TR4A, TR250, TR5 and CP/CC TR6 where the light switch is on the column, an alternative light switch will need to be used.
TR4A owners may choose to use a TR4 lighting switch 131812 or any of the alternatives we have listed under that part number. This can be fitted in the position previously occupied by the washer plunger or wiper switch.
TR250, TR5 and CP/CC TR6 owners can utilise the lighting switch from a CR/CF TR6 150380 (only available second hand) or any of the alternatives we have listed under that part number, however we favour RTR8410 which is a modern and reliable alternative that (nearly) fits in place of the original clear Hooters wiper switch.

NOTE 4:  Should you wish to use this kit for indicators, dip/flash and overdrive or horn, without the wash/wipe switch, we will supply this kit without that switch and adjust the price accordingly.

Electrical systems, Instruments etc.

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