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RTR Upgrade
Part No:
Price Ex VAT @ 20%

AVAILABLE This part is available to order

Programmable Electronic TR2-4A distributor from 123. This basic distributor in fully electronic with 16 different curves already programmed in. A vacuum facility is provided

Programmable Electronic TR2-4A distributor from 123. This basic distributor in fully electronic with 16 different curves already programmed in.

The electronic components are built into a new distributor housing
16 different advance curves are built into the unit so you can choose the most appropriate to your engine
Smoother engine torque curve
No points maintenance
Variable dwell angle to prevent low speed overheating of standard ignition coil and make a better spark at all speeds
Suitable for cars with a negative and positive earth system
Better starting
Less emissions
Better fuel consumption
Also to prevent coil overheating, the power to the coil is cut-off as soon as the engine stops
Built in LED for simple static ignition timing

A more sophisticated TR2-4A version, allowing any curve to be programmed as well as 6 cylinder variants are available too.
A new set of Spark Plug Leads will be required as this distributor uses the more modern push in type. Please see below

Electrical systems, Instruments etc.