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This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR2 K GEARBOX: CASING, TOP COVER AND MOUNTING. K64 Washer, spring, under nut 2
TR3 K GEARBOX: CASING, TOP COVER AND MOUNTING. K64 Washer, spring, under nut 2
TR4 L GEARBOX: CASING, TOP COVER AND MOUNTING. L80 Washer, lock Engine mounting to gear box extension 2
TR4A P GEARBOX: CASING, TOP COVER AND MOUNTING. P83 Washer, lock Engine mounting to gearbox extension 2
TR250 O GEARBOX: External O75 Washer, lock - Engine mounting to gearbox extensionk to crossmember 2
TR5 M GEARBOX: CASING, TOP COVER AND MOUNTING M75 Washer, lock Engine mounting to gearbox extension 2
TR6CP Z GEARBOX: External Z75 WASHER, lock - Engine mounting to gearbox extension
Fitted up to Engine No. CF1
TR6CP AN BRAKES AN12Y WASHER, lock, Caliper to mounting plate
Metric Thread Fitted from CP76095 (P.I. Models) and CC81079 (Carb Models) and future
TR6CC Z GEARBOX: External Z75 WASHER, lock - Engine mounting to gearbox extension
Fitted up to Engine No. CF1
TR6CC AN BRAKES AN12Y WASHER, lock, Caliper to mounting plate
Metric Thread Fitted from CP76095 (P.I. Models) and CC81079 (Carb Models) and future