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This part appears on the following Triumph Catalogue Plates

Car Type Plate Plate Title Plate No. Triumph Part Description No per Unit
TR7 1C-03L ENGINE - Sump, Dipstick 1C 03L WASHER 5
TR7 1C-11L ENGINE - Front Mounting RH 1C 11L WASHER 6
TR7 1E-16L GEARBOX - Gearbox Mounting 1E 16L WASHER 12
TR7 1F-06L REAR AXLE - Axle Shaft, Filler Plug, Oil Seals. All 5 Speed Manual Gearbox and from VIN402001 on Automatic 1F 06L WASHER 4
TR7 2C-06R ELECTRICAL - Alternator Mounting 2C 06R WASHER 2
TR8 1E-16L GEARBOX - Gearbox Mounting 1E 16L WASHER 12
TR8 1F-06L REAR AXLE - Axle Shaft, Filler Plug, Oil Seals. All 5 Speed Manual Gearbox and from VIN402001 on Automatic 1F 06L WASHER 4
TR8 2C-06R ELECTRICAL - Alternator Mounting 2C 06R WASHER 2

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