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2008 Archive

2008 Archive

August 2008

It's All Happening here at Revington TR, we have some additions to the Revington TR Staff, Revington TR and the Michael Cotti Racing team are off to le Mans, the weekend after its the TR Register International and to top it off we anounce a New Revington TR Website.

November 2008

Neil Reports on the Portuguese Historic Rally:

"I had anticipated that the rally would be tough.....This 2008 event certainly proved to be one of the toughest rallies that we have ever taken part in..... the organisation of the competitive parts of the rally was second to none.....I would thoroughly recommend the rally to anybody" Neil Revington

"Sintra was one of the most spectacular stages, although I feel that Neil enjoyed it more than I, exciting and amongst beautiful surroundings.....I did give up doing the timing and had my eyes shut for most of the time!" Sue Revington

Christmas 2008

Neil Reports on what has been a turblent year, with economic crisis and a report on the Competion of 2008, plus a Christmas present from revington TR, all SuperPro orders attract a 15% discount for 1 week only.

"Wow! what a turbulent year, from the doom and gloom of the falling economy to outstanding competition success, we've had it all." Neil Revington