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2010 Archive

2010 Archive

May 2010

May 2010 - Summer is on its Way!, Neil Reports on the tough 3 Legs of Mann Rally, more technical detail on Steering Racks and much more!

"I can't believe its April already and Revington TR's first event of the season has just taken place, that being our open day on the 10th of April......We were blessed with the weather as the sun shone all day, which doubtless accounted for the significant number of TR's that turned up. Many of you will be pulling the covers off your TR by now, however the rally season has started unusually early for 6VC and myself, this year. I have already taken part, with navigator Bernard Northmore, in the 3 Legs of Mann Rally. " Neil Revington

October 2010

October 2010 - Summer Motorsport Roundup, Triumph Models and DVD's and a report of Malvern TR International 2010

"Malvern International Weekend (IWE) this year I'm sure for most TR owners was a unique moment in time where many of Triumphs' competition cars, their drivers, navigators and those who devised and worked on them came together. Most of the cars are well known to me, either having worked on them or competed against them and many of the luminaries of the TR world who were present I have had the pleasure of meeting over the years. It was none the less great to have the whole lot thrown together on one day."

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Revington TR! Neil Reports on the Classic India Rally "Ambi'ling through India in a Hindustan Ambassador", New precise Heater Valve Kit and Prepare your car for winter!

"Ambi'ling through India India, a stunning country with traffic conditions being just as stunning! Neil & Sue Revington tell the story of their trip through the back roads of Kerala in a Hindustan Ambassador on Classic Journeys India Road Rally. " Neil Revington